Frequently Asked Questions

About the bakery

Why did you change your name?

We are excited to share how much we’ve grown over the past few years at Two Fields Bakeshop, located at the corner of Springfield Ave and Plainfield Ave in Berkeley Heights, NJ. As a certified gluten-free bakery, we are proud to be entirely peanut-free, tree nut-free, and sesame-free, with minimal use of soy. Plus, we offer dedicated dairy-free and egg-free product lines. Our name reflects both the heart of our Berkeley Heights community and our commitment to providing delicious, safe options for all. Visit us for allergen-friendly treats that everyone can enjoy!

What kind of bakery are you?

We are a zero waste, certified gluten free and allergy friendly wholesale/retail/online bakery.

Is your bakery a dedicated gluten free bakery?

Yes. We are a 100% dedicated and certified gluten free facility. We go through a strict audit process to prove that our procedures are strict and that all of our staff are trained in them. We also audit every ingredient within our ingredient monthly. No equipment or interior surfaces has ever been cross contaminated. As a matter of fact, all ingredients and supplies gets checked by at least two of our staff, and only then enters the kitchen area.

Do you have a storefront?

Yes, we have our retail store in a beautiful little town called Berkeley Heights, NJ.

Are you a peanut free or nut free facility?

YES, we are a peanut free and tree nut free facility!

Are you a sesame free facility? 

YES, we are a sesame free facility!

Do you have dairy free or vegan products?

We have a wide variety of dairy free as well as vegan products. We are constantly trying to develop great tasting recipes. Although we cannot be free of everything, at this time, but we strive to be the best gluten free and allergy friendly bakeshop! 

What is your goal?

As a second-generation French trained pastry chef, and a chef with sons and a nephew who have life-threatening allergies, including gluten, dairy, nuts, and sesame, Nick strives to bring a higher quality dessert to the gluten free and allergy world. A dessert where none of your guests will know the difference. His goal is to serve all desire gluten free and allergy friendly, and no one will know. The celiac customer and those with food allergies should no longer feel that they are treated differently due to their illness. They can now have the cake and eat it too!!

How to purchase products

How do I place an order?

You can place an order online for pickup or you can just walk in to our bakeshop in Berkeley Heights. We do not take orders over the phone.

Why are there some products that are Sold Out?

When the high demand from our wholesale customers as well as our retail customers exceeds production capabilities, we sell out but, rest assured, we are constantly baking. Even though we sell many of our products frozen, we also don’t believe in using preservatives and storing products for days/weeks to bring our customers the freshest products possible. Additionally, we use high quality specialized ingredients that occasionally, even our distributors have a difficult time procuring.

How do I know what products you offer?

All of our products are available online on our online order form which can be found at order online. If you find that the product is “Sold Out” when you try to select it to “Add to cart,” rest assured we are probably making the products to restock as quickly as possible. Just please add your email to “notify me” tab and our system will automatically email you as soon as the product is available again which in many cases in within 24 hours.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

Do you accept returns?

Due to the type of product we sell, we do not accept returns. Once a product leaves our bakery, we cannot be responsible for contact with any allergens and therefore, cannot accept it back. However, if you are unhappy with your purchase, please let us know as we want to be sure all of our customers are enjoying our products. Additionally, we understand that things happen. If you need to cancel your order and you have not yet picked it up, we are unable to refund your order but we can offer you store credit. Please check your order before submitting it so as to avoid this concern.

Do you offer custom cakes?

Yes we do! Our custom cake page can be found here.

Do you sell wholesale?

We supply many supermarkets, restaurants, diners, delis, catering halls, schools,  and other facilities with products such as breads, muffins, and desserts. Please check out our wholesale page here. We can also help you start a gluten free program in your establishment.

Do you ship?

We have temporarily halted shipping due to the high cost of shipping perishables but plan to resume in the future.

My school does not have gluten free or allergy friendly products, can you help?

Yes!!! We are a school safe bakeshop. Please let your school nutritionist, nurse, or catering personnel know that we do ship to schools nationwide and we deal direct to maintain a reasonable cost. Tell them to contact us for a list of products at

About our products/ingredients

Why is everything prepackaged and sealed? 

Because we are a certified gluten free and allergy friendly bakery, everything is packaged, sealed, and labeled to maintain the integrity of our products. We also try to be a zero waste bakeshop so that we may continue to keep our prices as low as possible.

Why are most things frozen? 

A few reasons: We do not believe in using preservatives or added sugars to maintain shelf life. Many of our customers come from great distances and want the products to remain frozen. You use what you need and keep the rest frozen to maintain its freshness. All of our products have thawing instructions on the label. Finally, to keep prices reasonable, we are a zero waste bakery but rest assured, we go through so much volume that the products you get direct from us are usually baked within the past 24 hours.

Products from other gluten free bakeries are very sweet. Why is yours so different? 

Many gluten free bakeries add extra sugars and nut flours to mask the typically “bad taste” of gluten free products. Instead, our owner who is a second generation professionally trained baker and pastry chef makes sure we use the highest quality ingredients, as our goal is for our customers to have no idea that our products are gluten free or allergy friendly. Additionally, we are a peanut free and tree nut free facility, unlike most gluten free bakeries, who use nut flours as a base. We want everyone to be able to enjoy our products together.

How long do your products last? 

If they remain frozen, they have a 6-month shelf life. We recommend eating our baked goods within a day or two after thawing out….if they last that long! Since we only use quality ingredients, we freeze our products immediately after baking to retain their original taste and texture. Cakes and cupcakes should be refrigerated and taken out 45 minutes before eating.

Do you have a chart of product allergens?
What do you use instead of gluten flours? 

We use our own mixes or blends of rice flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch depending on what products we are making. We do not use a one-to-one flour because those don’t work on everything. Instead, we make our own flour blends that are recipe dependent. This also allows us to control the source and origin of every single ingredient within our products.

What is rice flour?

Rice flour is a form of flour made from finely milled rice. It is distinct from rice starch, which is usually produced by steeping rice in lye. Rice flour is a particularly good substitute for wheat flour, which causes irritation in the digestive systems of those who are gluten-intolerant. It is also used as a thickening agent in recipes that are refrigerated or frozen since it inhibits liquid separation. 

What is tapioca starch? 

A starch extracted from cassava root. This species is native to the North Region of Brazil but spread throughout the South American continent. The plant was carried by Portuguese and Spanish explorers to most of the West Indies, and continents of Africa and Asia, including the Philippines and Taiwan. It is now cultivated worldwide.  A staple food in many world regions, tapioca is used as a thickening agent in various foods.

What is potato starch?

To extract the starch, the potatoes are crushed; the starch grains are released from the destroyed cells. The starch is then washed out and dried to powder.

Can I bring my own ingredients for you to use?

No, we do not allow customers to drop off their own ingredients for us to use. We are extremely strict about what ingredients are allowed in the bakery and each ingredient goes through a very strict audit process. We are so strict about what enters the bakery that we don’t even allow customers carrying out side foods to enter the bakeshop.  Additionally, our recipes are rigorously tested to be sure they are the best quality according to our professionally trained second generation owner.

How do you guarantee your supplies are all gluten free, peanut free, and tree nut free?

We audit every ingredient within our ingredients monthly. We also have a policy that at least two of our staff members need to verify all ingredients of our supplies before they enter our kitchen. Then, and only then, do our supplies enter our dedicated gluten free, allergy safe kitchen. This process allows us to guarantee 0% cross contamination of any of our products. We are so strict with our policies that no outside food or drinks are allowed into our kitchen or our storefront.

Do your products contain preservatives?

Our gluten free products have no preservatives. We strive to use the minimal amount of ingredients possible to maintain the healthiest possible gluten free desserts. Our desserts are high quality desserts that are meant to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their gluten free status. We often hear that our products taste even better than many gluten full desserts.

About food allergies and celiac disease

What symptoms are indicative of a need for a gluten free diet?

Symptoms of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are similar. They may include recurring abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea/constipation, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, chronic fatigue, joint pain, unexplained infertility, osteoporosis, osteopenia. There are also many dermatological issues associated with gluten. Bad acne, rashes and skin discolorations have all been associated with gluten intake. 

How can I learn more about food allergies?

FARE is the trusted source of information about food allergies. For more information about food allergies, visit  FARE’s website at

How can I learn more about celiac disease?

For more information about celiac disease, visit Celiac Disease Foundation’s website at

Where can I learn the latest news about food allergies and celiac disease?

For the latest news on food allergies and celiac disease, visit Allergic Living’s website at